Art Show Dates: July 26th and 27th, 2025
Hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm – Saturday and Sunday
Location: Kershaw Park, 155 Lakeshore Drive, Canandaigua NY 14424
Located on the north shore of Canandaigua Lake.
Application Deadline: June 1, 2025 (additional $25 fee for applications after 6/1/2025)
Eligibility: All work exhibited and sold must be the original artwork produced by the registered applicant. Mass produced items and imported objects are not eligible nor allowed. Exhibitors whose work does not correspond with the quality represented in the images submitted may be asked to remove items or an entire exhibit without refund. The intention of this juried show is to emphasize original, hand created artwork.
Jury Submittal: All artists must submit two (2) images of the work in each category you wish to enter. Please also include one (1) image of your booth set up. FORMAT – Photos, digital JPEG images via e-mail or, WEB site address with current and intended artwork, however, a booth set up will still be required under separate cover.
The images that are submitted are the basis used by the jury in selecting exhibitors for the available spaces. All decisions of the jury are final. Jurying is based solely on the quality of the work as shown in the image. Images should depict individual pieces or groupings not to exceed six pieces. Poor quality images will diminish your chance of acceptance. Once accepted into this show, you are jury exempt at future sequential shows (if you miss a year, you will be required to re-submit photos to be juried again along with a jury fee of $20.00).
Exhibitor Space: Each exhibitor must provide a display booth and rack and tables, etc. to properly display outside on grass. PLEASE NOTE – the City of Canandaigua does not permit securing booth through the use of stakes in the ground! Please be prepared for inclement weather/wind conditions with rain covers and appropriate weights (recommended poundage per post = 50 lbs.). All Display tables must be draped to the ground. Boxes and packing materials must not be visible. Poor appearance of an exhibit may be grounds for future rejection. Generators are not allowed. Only one registered artist per booth - no booth sharing will be allowed.
Security and Liability: The show will provide security during the event as well as overnight but shall not be liable for loss of personal property, personal injury or other damages involving an exhibitor or exhibitor’s agents or employees. Exhibitor shall defend and indemnify promoter from any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, damages and penalties caused and incurred by wrongful acts of exhibitors, agents and employees. Exhibitor shall secure and maintain adequate liability and property insurance.
Set up: Load in and set up will begin on Friday, July 25th at 9:00 am & continue until 7:00 pm and again on Saturday, July 26th from 7:00 am to 9:00 am. The show will start at 10:00 am and all load in and set up must be completed by that time. Load out starts at 5:00 pm on Sunday evening. All artists must return the display area to its original condition.
Parking: The north side of the show on either side of Lakeshore Blvd. will be used by the artists for unloading and loading only. Artist parking will be located across the street in the stone lot. Pick up areas will be designated for the public to pull up and load any purchases made at the show.
Artist Fees:
- Single exhibit space (10’x 10’) is $275.00.
- Double exhibit space (10’x 20’) is $475.00.
All fees must be paid at the time of submission of your application.
Fees must be in the form of check or money order payable to:
by CREDIT CARD using the secure PayPal link at the bottom of the online artist application.
All payments will be cashed or processed upon receipt.
Acceptance Notification: will be sent out on or about June 16th, 2025...... (only applies to "1st time" exhibitors)
Cancellation: An application is a commitment to show. If your cancelation, in writing, is postmarked no later than June 15,2024, your registration fee will be returned to you minus a $30 cancellation fee. No refunds will be made after the June 16th deadline. Cancellations should be mailed to Lakefront Art Show, 20 Kerrygold Way, Rochester NY 14534.
Application deadline: 6/1/2025
Late application fee after 6/1/2025: $25.00
Acceptance Notification: 6/16/2025.... (Only applies to 1st time exhibitors)
Space Assignments: will be mailed out approximately 7/1/2025